Inclusive Growth is at the heart of our approach.

We know that economic growth is essential to improving social and economic outcomes in the UK – but we also know that traditional models of growth won’t necessarily benefit the people who need it most. We work with places to rethink interventions, identifying and targeting socio-economic exclusion and pioneering new models of inclusive local growth from strategy through to practical delivery.

Metro Dynamics has been involved in developing thinking and practice on Inclusive Growth since we were founded. We were the strategic adviser to the RSA Inclusive Growth Commission in 2017, helping to develop the definition of inclusive Growth which has been widely used since “Growth that as many people as possible can both contribute to and benefit from". Since then we scoped, helped set up, and are now a strategic partner with the Inclusive Growth Network that has 14 members across local authorities and MCAs in England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland. We have also helped to develop an Inclusive Growth decision making toolkit to guide local economic decision making.

The new government has made good jobs for everyone, everywhere a central plank of its growth mission. Metro Dynamics is committed to working with places on Local Growth Plans can make this aspiration a reality.

Our services include:

  • Inclusive growth audits – utilising our bespoke data and geo spatial analysis

  • Exploring links between health and wealth building the case for new collaboration

  • The development of inclusive growth plans as part of Local Growth Plans

  • Local investment plans that prioritise inclusive growth, building projects and learning what works

  • Inclusive innovation design and implementation

  • Inclusive growth monitoring and evaluation

Selected case studies: